About Lindsay


Anna Lindsay MacDonald graduated in 2009 from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with an MFA Studio in Designed Objects. She earned her BFA in Jewellery Design and Metalsmithing from NSCAD University in 2004, and she had the opportunity to return as an instructor for two semesters in 2010/2011. In 2014 Lindsay represented Selkirk College as a jewellery instructor at the Shanghai Commercial school in Shanghai China. Currently she holds a sessional position at OCAD University in Material Arts and Design.

In 2014 Lindsay MacDonald was the recipient of a Canada Council Grant for Projects in Fine Craft and she has received awards such as Honourable Mention in Jewellery at the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, and Best of Show at the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, 2005. She was chosen as a finalist for the Love Lace award at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney Australia in 2011. Publications include, Design Lines, Canadian Art, Object Magazine, Metalsmith Magazine, The Love Lace Catalogue, Lark Books 500 Bracelets and Lark Books 500 Rings.


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